Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day Two

Some day I will have to get more interesting titles for my posts, but I like number. Well actually I think I like the idea of numbers. In reality numbers and I usually are in a fight. Why can't 2*4=6 sometimes?

On a more relevant note I saw a bear today. Actually, I saw the same bear twice. I was warming up and peddling through the Red Woods today, and off next to the path was a brown bear. Luckily it was far enough away that it was not a threat. In fact it looked rather grayish and 1 dimensional. The computer animation on the bike at the gym are really not the best. After I finished my warm up through the red woods, and I did actually bike THROUGH a red wood. Yup I am that cool. I biked O Mama. It was a rather hilly, and some what scenic rout. I saw a blue mass that I can only assume was the sea off in the distance. The computer animations keep me quite entertained. Why do trees start off light green, and then as they get closer, they get more detailed with dark green? It looks like they are reverse camouflage trees. They get more visible the closer you get to them. All and all it was a good ride. I completed a little over 11 miles without actually moving anywhere.

Speaking of going places I went to get fitted for my bike, and it is a complicated process. I did not actually get fitted, instead I just got to learn about why I should get a Trek 520. The man who I was talking to says that the three bikes that I have an option to ride, are all racing bikes, and I should invest a little extra money to get a touring bike. The trek 520 is in his mind a very good touring bike for it's price. So my new plan of action is to contact Zane's bike shop, the store that is getting my bike, and see what they have to recommend, and what these options cost. If I am going to ride 3428 miles on a bike, I guess I should do the research to find out what a good bike entitles. I'm guessing it is a little more then 2 tires, a break, and some gears.

On the fundraising news I have currently raised $1350.04, which is than 27/80th or 34% of my total goal of $4000 dollars for affordable housing. It is pretty exciting. Thank you to everyone who has already contributed.

Now I must get to work on my school work. I have managed to avoid it all day. I am very good at avoiding work. I have a feeling this blog will be a procrastination tool.

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