Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm a bad blogger

I have been a very bad at this blogging thing recently. First and Foremost Thanks to all the amazing people who have donated to my cause, and I have now raised well over $3000. The end is in sight, but I have to make certain that I don't let myself slack off. There is über long list of people to thank since I last update so here goes it.

THANKS to: Nan A., Dave B., Harry and Geri D.,Karen L., Matt and Pat M., Carol S., Mark and Jane T., and Levi W. The best part of this list is the diversity of it. It ranges from people I see every day to the aunt and uncle of my roommate who I have only had one conversation with in the doorway of our apartment. It always amazes me who donates, and the generosity of people. This trip has also gotten me back into contact with people that I haven't spoken to in years. My 7th and 8th grade math teacher donated, and told me about her huge Christmas cactus that has grown up from a small little clipping I gave her over 9 years ago. (Oh dear that number makes me feel old.) I am not the best at keeping in contact with people, but I am trying very hard to get better at it.

Sorry if this entry ends up sounding scattered, and contains typographical errors. Some of the are on purpose, and, well, most of them probably are not. I stayed up way way to late last night writing in German about how the architecture and history of Berlin are connected. I pretty sure I have mentioned it before, but formal writing in what ever language is not one of my favorite past times. In fact I might even go as far as to say I abhor it. But this entry is not to be an anti writing rant.

So back to the topic of Biking and Biking and other topics that begin with B. (If you didn't notice writing does not in fact begin with B.) So there is a bike working it's way from Bath Cycle and Ski in Maine to my humble abode here in Ithaca. I am getting a blue Surly Long Haul Trucker. I's so excited. I feel like it is Christmas, because it got shipped at the end of last week. Everyday I walk up to my door, and hope there will be a humongous box sitting there with my name on it. So far everyday I return to an empty hall, but there is always tomorrow. I will need to figure out a name for my bike. Since it's a Surly I feel like it really must get a piratesk name. I will have to get to know it before I can commit to anything. Naming something is not something to rush into. Lipschitz the fish would probably agree with that statement.

Unfortunately I have not only been bad at the blogging, but also at the training. I think the weather and I are on opposite schedules. The days I have time, it is rainy and icy, and cold which just demotivates me. It snowed 4" a week ago. I was a bit perturbed to say the least. Or it is absolutely beautiful and in the 50s, and I must sit inside and write about Architecture in Berlin. Wildlife sightings in the last few rides include a ground hog, a raccoon, deer, and a Yeti. Ok at least one of those was seen on a computer screen. Although to be truthful I admit that I have spent a significant amount of time in the last few weeks playing cards instead of doing me work. I have to keep telling myself that I have almost gradumacated. I have to prove my mommy wrong that I can play Bridge, and not flunk out of skool. Just 44 days left before I am supposed to receive my fake diploma. I get the real one a couple weeks later. I am so excited for graduation, and for this trip, but at the same time I am terrified of life after college. I think I hate saying good bye even more then I hate writing.

Well it is time for young ones to be in bed. Tomorrow morning I am going to do some affordable housing, and work with Ithaca Habitat for Humanity on the new Corning ReSale Building. I have to get up at the crack of dawn, aka I have to be on campus at 8am. If nothing else College has taught me how to sleep in. It is a habit that I will have to unlearn in the real world.

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